Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

Ganesa Purple chips


Ganesa Purple Chip is one kind of home industry especially in Pacet, Mojokerto. Ganesa Purple Chip focus in producing purple chip. Firstly, as the traditional food from Mojokerto, this products can be used as a gift from the trip to Pacet, Mojokerto. After see the sales improvement of Ganesa Purple Chip, this company have a purpose to increase the sales not only is in Pacet, but also is in outside of Mojokerto.

Ganesa Puple Chip need a strategy to fulfill the consumer need and wants, and also to get sales profit/margin. It is related with the marketing strategy that will be used by the company, it is include of marketing mix or “four Ps”.

Based on the good marketing strategy, Ganesa Purple Chip should be in the balance of the target market and its products. To make the consumer fell satisfied, Ganesa Purple Chip should make the good products with the good quality and have to well adjust with the market segmentation of the company.

Minggu, 27 September 2009

savory and delicious

purple chips

Do you ever see a purple chips? and do you know how it taste??
if you could never try it, you can buy in "adie purple chips"

purple chips is a food product is very good. and purple chips with a delicious taste you can only buy in “adie chips purple shop”, purple chips are the traditional foods of the city mojokerto-Indonesia, if you want to order, you can contact:
phone : 085655225552
email : adiezou@yahoo.com

My simple name is dwi adi cahyono, but sometimes my friend call me with adi. i am 21 years old, and now i continue my studi in state polytechnic of malang. i live in mojokerto, but in malang i live in my boarding house at jalan candi mendut, malang.

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